Open 24 Hours


Since 2002

[opened 16-aug-2002]
[updated 20-aug-2013]
[migrated and revised 15-may-2017]

Welcome to my home-made website!

This site started as experiment, a looong time ago, just to learn how all this stuff works.
There hasn't been not much activity lately, except for the Lowlands page, which was being updated after each edition
of the Lowlands festival I attended to. Because of the Lowlands content the site is still online, even though it is no longer updated.

May 2017 the site has found a new home at Microsoft Azure so Ye Olde Server at home could finally be put to rest...
The site has been revised: the frames and some broken content has been removed and a lot of broken links have been fixed or removed.

All pages are "hand-written", that is, without the use of a code generator, just a LOT of copy/paste.
Really old skool. And much like they develop websites nowadays ;-)

Have fun,

Acido Amigo

Stuff Stuff - Funny stuff, pictures, GTA3, Lowlands, BB King and more

Links Links - Links to usefull, nice or funny sites

Lowlands pagina

The best house music on the Internet



Mail me & tell me what you think:

Mail AcidoAmigo


green Local page
gold Local file download
blue Remote page